IBM C Set ++ (tm) for the Solaris (R) Operating System

Another Member of the IBM C Set ++ Family

C Set ++ proudly welcomes a new member of the family. The C Set ++ for Solaris development environment extends your programming reach. From OS/2 -- to AIX -- and now to the Solaris operating system. Fast and easy code portability without compatibility problems.

This comprehensive C++ development environment includes IBM Open Class, a cross-platform standard in class libraries. You have the flexibility of a consistent programming interface across many platforms: OS/2 V2.11, Warp, AIX, Sun Solaris, MVS ... and more to come.

High-Performance C and C++ Compilers

The C Set ++ for Solaris compilers generate highly optimized code to exploit Sun SPARCstation architecture.

The C and C++ compilers give you:

C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System supports the latest features of the C++ language, such as templates and exception handling. Use the templates to define generic functions and classes. When an exception occurs, you can transfer control to a predetermined point in the program.

IBM Open Class: A Complete Set of Class Libraries

IBM Open Class is a set of C++ class libraries that gives you an extensive choice of building blocks for creating your applications. You reduce your development effort by using the available functions or by tailoring the classes to suit specific applications.

You can program at a high level of abstraction in the early stages of the development cycle. Then, in later stages, replace any abstract types with the appropriate concrete implementation.

And more class libraries:

Two Powerful Debuggers...

The C Set ++ for Solaris development environment comes with two debuggers: You use xldb to debug C and C++ programs. HeapView helps you manage heap storage.

For Coding Errors: xldb

xldb, the new graphical debugger tool, makes debugging C and C++ programs simpler and more efficient. You can easily see and correct coding errors. This debugger also comes with C Set ++ for AIX. Consistent tools across platforms mean easier application development and a shorter learning curve.

And for Detecting Memory Errors: The HeapView Debugger

Because of their dynamic nature, memory-corruption problems are difficult to debug. Use this tool to detect and analyze problems caused by allocation and deallocation of memory -- and to prevent costly memory-corruption problems.

Browser Gives You Multiple Views

Use the browser as a static analysis tool after you have compiled your program. A full-function browser for C and C++ programs, it complements the compilers. It's extremely helpful when you are looking at unfamiliar code. For example, you can quickly see the inheritance relationships among classes or a list of all the root classes.

The browser is based on client/server architecture. The server contains information on classes, functions and files. From anywhere on the network, you can use the client to query this information.

You have multiple views in a single window:

Test Coverage Analyzer (tcov)

Tells you how often a line of code is executed. You can quickly identify untested areas in your program or potential bottlenecks.

Helpful Documentation -- Online or On the Page

Accurate and easy-to-use hardcopy and softcopy information help you get the most out of the compiler and tools. An online tutorial shows you what you want to know -- from the basics of object-oriented programming to advanced template usage. And lots of examples to use as models.

Standards Compliance

C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System Release 1 supports:

Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

Join the C Set ++ Family

IBM C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System is part of the IBM family of C Set ++ products. Its consistent set of tools and class libraries across many platforms makes you a more productive programmer. With your purchase of C Set ++ for Solaris, you'll rediscover the reasons you became a programmer -- creating neat applications -- without wasting time entangled in unnecessary complexity.

How to Get Your Copy

To order your copy of IBM C Set ++ for Solaris Operating System Release 1 or to request more information, contact your nearest authorized IBM dealer, or call one of the numbers listed.

See C Set ++ family for information about other C Set ++ products.

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